In this message, we explore discipleship in the new series "Full Send Discipleship". What does it look like to be a disciple of Christ?
In this sermon we look at how prayer is not something we have to do, but something we get to do.
In this message we examine some of the myths (Christian and otherwise) that have grown up around Christmas in the light of scripture.
In this message we look at the road to Emmaus and the fact that until Jesus revealed himself to his disciples, they could not believe that he had risen from…
Zechariah's song which he sung upon the birth of John the Baptist speaks to us of hope fulfilled. This week we begin by looking at the songs of advent in…
This Sunday is Freedom Sunday in which we look at the work of International Justice Mission and the effort to free people from modern day slavery. In the message we…
In this message we see how the humble story of the birth of Christ hides a powerful truth: Jesus is King of all.