In this message Peirce examines the tower of Babel. Listen to this great encouragement that the Bible provides the best explanation of the evidence and also how God's love lead…
The Rainbow is a sign of God's unchanging faithfulness = fixed and permanent. The story of Noah getting drunk is a sign of Man's unchanging brokenness.

The Good News

October 11, 2020
In this message Rob Hadfield discusses Romans 1 and what we mean when we use the word "Gospel".
In this message we look at the first part of the Flood narrative and what it tells us about God's attitude toward sin, and also what He does about it.

Building God’s House

September 27, 2020
In this message we look at David's plan to build a house for God. We discover that God desires to dwell with His people and build them a "house" first.

What God Requires

September 20, 2020
In this special Freedom Sunday message we look at the work of IJM Australia and the Biblical mandate to break the chains of injustice as the correct response to God's…
In this message Jon takes us through the events leading up to the flood: the increase of sin in the world and the favour Noah found with the Lord.
In this special Father's Day message we examine Godly fatherhood and how it something the world and the church desperately needs.

Walking With God

August 30, 2020
In this message we examine the Genesis 5 and the way in which faith was transmitted for generations in an increasingly sinful word.
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