Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.


Redeemer Christian Church meets every Sunday
10am at the Huonville Scout and Guide Hall (8 Heron Street, Huonville)







We are deeply aware of the temptation to speak for God, rather than to let Him speak for Himself. This is why God's word sets the agenda and we preach through whole books of the Bible verse-by-verse.


At Redeemer we are committed to not separating our small children from the rest of the congregation. This can make our meetings a little noisier but the benefit is that children are included from the earliest times as part of the one church. A cry room is available as well.


We do things a little bit differently at Redeemer, on the last Sunday of the month we have a shared meal during which we celebrate the Lord's Supper.

What We're About:

Loving God

The first and greatest commandment, according to Jesus, is to love God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. There is nothing greater in this world than loving God and being loved by Him.

At Redeemer, one of the ways that we live out this conviction is through clear, Bible-based sermons. We are deeply aware of the temptation to speak for God, rather than to let Him speak for Himself. This is why God's word sets the agenda and we preach through whole books of the Bible verse-by-verse.

Loving Neighbour

At Redeemer we are committed to loving neighbour as we love ourselves. Our "neighbour" is everyone and so we are dedicated to taking every opportunity to express this love, whether it is through our weekly meetings, mid-week fellowship groups, or shared meals. We also look for opportunities to bless our community through service.

Inviting Others to Do the Same

The Good News about Jesus is simply too good to keep to ourselves. We value sharing all of our lives with others in the hopes that we can tell them about Jesus. By doing this we fulfill the great commission to baptise people from all nations and teach them to obey everything Jesus has commanded us.


Most of what we believe we hold in common with the Christian church around the world and throughout the ages.

We believe that the Bible is God's inspired Word. Our understanding of key Christian doctrines is summarized in the three ecumenical creeds (Apostles', Nicene, Athanasian) and in the Reformed Confessions: the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Canons of Dordt, and the Scottish Westminster Confession. We also identify with the Contemporary Testimony of the CRC of North America.

For more information see our denominational website.

What We're About:

Loving God

The first and greatest commandment, according to Jesus, is to love God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. There is nothing greater in this world than loving God and being loved by Him.

At Redeemer, one of the ways that we live out this conviction is through clear, Bible-based sermons. We are deeply aware of the temptation to speak for God, rather than to let Him speak for Himself. This is why God's word sets the agenda and we preach through whole books of the Bible verse-by-verse

Loving Neighbour

At Redeemer we are committed to loving neighbour as we love ourselves. Our "neighbour" is everyone and so we are dedicated to taking every opportunity to express this love, whether it is through our weekly meetings, mid-week fellowship groups, or shared meals. We also look for opportunities to bless our community through service.

Inviting Others to Do the Same

The Good News about Jesus is simply too good to keep to ourselves. We value sharing all of our lives with others in the hopes that we can tell them about Jesus. By doing this we fulfill the great commission to baptise people from all nations and teach them to obey everything Jesus has commanded us.



What’s harder—sitting on a plane with no headphones or serving God in a world that pulls you to please everyone else? In Galatians 1:10–24, Paul shows us how to break…
In this fiery start to our Galatians series, we dive into Galatians 1:1–9 with "Freedom's Foundation." Paul, an apostle sent by God, confronts the churches of Galatia for abandoning the…

The Called Church

February 9, 2025
What does it mean to be a "called" church? In this sermon, we explore how God calls His people into community, shaping our identity and mission. Whether you're new to…

The Messiah’s Mission

January 26, 2025
In this sermon on Matthew 9:35-38, we explore Jesus' mission as the ultimate model for ministry. Jesus balanced teaching, proclaiming the gospel, and healing, showing care for both spiritual and…
Nathanael Remminga joins us to teach from Hebrews 7.
This sermon tackles the challenging and often controversial topic of women’s roles in the church, focusing on 1 Timothy 2:11-15. These verses have sometimes been misused to stifle women or…
Assurance of salvation is one of the greatest comforts for a Christian, but it’s also something we can struggle to hold onto. Romans 8 reminds us that assurance isn’t based…
In this message we have a visiting preacher, Herman Kroon, share to us from John 14.
In Genesis 22, we encounter one of the Bible’s most striking stories: God commands Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac. This passage is a test, but Abraham doesn't know…

Isaac and Ishmael

September 29, 2024
In this sermon on Genesis 21, we explore how God faithfully fulfills His promise to Abraham and Sarah by granting them a son, Isaac, despite their old age—a miraculous event…
1 2 3 13 14 15



If you have any questions about our church or just want someone to pray for you please use the phone number or contact form below.

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