In this message we are reminded that we require the Holy Spirit to come and reveal who God is to us. We need a revolution of hope, identity, and the…
In this sermon Mark Boonstra looks at the armour of God and what we need in order to be prepared for the battle God has called us to fight.
This message explores the way in which we have been created in order to have union in Christ.
In this message we examine some of the myths (Christian and otherwise) that have grown up around Christmas in the light of scripture.
In this message we try to seperate culture from Christmas by looking at what is essential to it, and what was added on later.
In this message we examine what the Bible says about the Christian response to Tyranny.
The subject of eternity has been subject to a lot of confusion because much of our information about it has not tended to come from the Bible. This message attempts…
This message is a message delivered directly to the kids of our church about how they can know God.
This week we examine the problem of evil and suffering. If God is all powerful and all loving, why doesn't he end all evil? While this message doesn't answer all…